a new learning place for Regenerating Soil and Soul
Newsletter - Nr. 8 - Midsummer edition 2023 View online

Dear ,

We greet you today with a special Solstice edition of our newsletter from the sunny hills of Ireland! 

We are preparing for our Summer Solstice celebration this afternoon and evening, reflecting on all the warmth and life force we have received from the sun and the people around us in the past period. It has been a transformative time of growth and change for us, and without the light that you have bestowed upon us, the journey would have been much more challenging. Therefore, we express our gratitude today.

The summer solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. Summer truly begins, and simultaneously, we gradually move inward as the external light diminishes.

Midsummer is a dual celebration. On one hand, it is a moment to reflect on everything that has manifested during the bright, outward phase of the Wheel of the Year—a pinnacle of fulfillment and strength. On the other hand, we also celebrate the return of the dark, inward cycle of the year. We are invited to appreciate the power of darkness as an essential part of the whole. We celebrate the gifts of darkness, its potential and receptivity, as vital forces for us and the Earth amid the joyful festivities of high summer.

Here on Terranu, we are fully enjoying the peak of the growing season. All the vegetables we planted as tiny seeds during the season of Imbolc have flourished, nourished by the life forces of the elements and our caring attention. There now is an apparently endless supply of salad, kohlrabi, radishes, and herbs available for us to eat every day. The garden beds are filled with courgettes, beets, beans, fennel, corn, and more, all on their way to completeness. The greenhouse is blessed with three full beds of tomato and cucumber plants, whose sunny yellow flowers, thanks to adventurous butterflies and bees, are already undergoing the magical transformation into fruit formation. 

We have already begun saving glass jars and making space in the freezer to preserve the abundant harvest that we hope to enjoy well into autumn and winter.

Thanks to the nearly constant flow of visits from friends and family, we have accomplished so much work on Terranu recently. We gratefully and wondrously discover that everyone who comes to visit us brings a unique gift in their own way. Not only do they offer helping hands that make large tasks reach completion faster than expected, but they also provide warm words that give us courage and energy to connect further with each other and the land. Their fresh perspectives inspire us to follow new impulses.

We would like to give a special mention to Evi, who is strengthening our team for a whole month, contributing her energy and talent to support Terranu and, in the process, learning about starting a regenerative project. We are delighted with all the energy and care she brings!

In addition to all the beauty that thrives on the farm, we are thoroughly enjoying the Irish summer—swimming outdoors, picnicking—and today, we will fulfill a long-cherished wish: celebrating midsummer on our own land.

At the same time, we acknowledge that the days will become shorter after the solstice has passed. Therefore, today we also reflect upon the ever-changing nature of life. Nothing lasts forever. We live here on Earth in the temporary realm, the living, the dying, the fading, the growing—the always dynamic. When something reaches its fullness, we must let it go. Even the forms that are dear to our hearts will change one day. That is why today, we fully embrace everything that is NOW. We honor the light. The outer and inner light. May it warm all our hearts.

May the blessings of light be upon you
Light without and light within
May the blessed sunshine shine on you
And warm your heart till it glows

Traditional Celtic Solstice adapted by Anna Richardson

Sunny greetings,

Team Terranu

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Crooked Bridge, Glenaknockaun West, Lismore, Ireland
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